
About - Write for Benefits is a blog with any tips about how to write and make money online with it. Write for Benefits is built by Richard Reader using the blogspot platform. Thank you for Google and Blogspot for providing free facilities.

Our Mission

Write for Benefits is dedicated to those of you who want to learn about how to write, how to start, publish it and how to make money from writing.

Write for Benefits also acts as an online publication media (blog site) for Richard Reader in pouring experiments into his writings. Hopefully you can also follow this trail, by building a website blog on blogspot. And pour your creative ideas in the form of writing or great articles there.

Who is Richard Reader

He is a blogger from Indonesia and lives in Bali with his beloved daughter and wife. In addition to undergoing an online business since 1999, a year after Google was established. He also began to develop a website consulting business personally to web developers from various parts of the world.

In 2012, he began and lived in Bali. He decided to start learning about blogging. And the most favorite blog platform is blogspot. Because according to him, blogspot is the most powerful online publication media. Besides being super safe (by Google), it's free, easily modified, and there are many facilities in it that are useful for users (blogger).

Appreciation for Google

Richard Reader is very grateful to Google, for providing so many free facilities, which are very useful for the development of corporate and individual careers.

Including this blog, Write for Benefit, which uses email, blogspot, google translator, google analytics, search console, and many more.

Thank you, Google.

A hope

Thank you from Richard Reader, the owner of the Write for Benefits blog, for your time and enthusiasm together learning about our main topic, writing. Hopefully our writings inspire you, become great writers in the future.

Contact us

If you have questions or suggestions for developing the main topics on the Write for Benefits blog, please contact us, on the contact page, click here.

We will be happy to respond to emails from you. And immediately reply in 2 to 4 business days.