Benefits of Writing and Reading Skills

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Benefits of Writing and Reading Skills. A child who reads tends to do better at school and professionally. Technology improvement means increased demands for higher literacy and sad consequences for those who fail, according to "Preventing Difficulties Reading in Young People."

Critical thinking

The growth of digital media as a source of information has reduced the ability of children to critically evaluate the information they face, said Professor Patricia Greenfield, director of the Children's Digital Media Center at UCLA. Critical thinking skills are very important in helping students achieve more than a cursory understanding of any topic and help them shape their own opinions. Reading requires someone to think and process information by watching television not. The more you read, the deeper your understanding becomes what you read and apply. Greenfield tells parents to encourage their children to read and must read to their children. Developing writing skills can help you strengthen your ability to make reasoned arguments on a variety of subjects, which are useful at school and at work.

Improved Communication Skills

Improving your reading and writing skills is also in line with developing your communication skills. The more you read and write, the more you expand your vocabulary and be able to articulate concepts accurately and more effectively to others. Improving your ability to communicate also helps make you a better worker or student.

More opportunities

Studies show that those with advanced reading and writing skills have more opportunities in school and professionally than those who do not develop these skills. Children who love reading will often find schools more attractive. Literary readers are more likely "to engage in positive civic and individual activities - such as volunteering, attending sporting or cultural events, and exercising" than non-readers, according to the NEA study.

Start Writing Today to Increase Benefits

Although at first it might appear that the people who benefit most from writing are writers, managers, entrepreneurs, journalists, or key speakers, who cannot be far from the truth.

Each and every person can take something from developing and honing our writing skills, even if it's just a simple practice to keep a journal.

As humans are social animals, we need to communicate with each other every day.

Although most of the interaction is done verbally or non-verbally, a lot of communication requires us to write. The most obvious example of this is posts or messages on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. This also includes text messages that we send each using our smartphone, or through platforms such as Skype, Viber, and WhatsApp.

Of course, email still has their place and some even still hold on to the art of writing missing letters. These are all examples of where we are required to write, but what about the benefits of writing just for the sake of writing? How can we use that?

The following list contains eight reasons why good writing skills can improve your life, and make you a whole and happy individual.

1. Writing Helps Clear Your Mind

We all sometimes feel the need to vent and express our thoughts to convey our intentions.

Well, writing can help you do it.

Try and write down all thoughts, complaints, doubts, fantasies, and almost everything else that comes to your mind. Just write it, without thinking about what's on your paper or computer screen. It seems like the end result is something very chaotic, but that's not the point.

The point is for you to clear your mind, so you can live your day, work, solve problems, and just enjoy life. Without all the thoughts behind your head that distract you, you will find it easier to work and focus, no matter what your profession.

2. Writing Will Help You Recover Memories

You will be surprised at how writing can restore old memories and almost forgotten.

Start writing what you remember. Before you know it, certain words or phrases that you put on paper will trigger some other memories that you will never think of before. Some of that memory will not be fun, but you will be able to see it from afar and give them perspective, and reflect on how much you have learned from that experience.

On the other hand, happy memories will make you smile, and you will remember the events and people you care about, encouraging you to get back in touch with them.

3. You Will Be able to accumulate ideas

It is a good rule of thumb to always write ideas that come out of nowhere because you tend not to forget them like that.

You can try and store it in your head but, given that we live in the digital age, we process a large amount of information. We must forget most of them, and that includes some great and valuable ideas.

However, when you write it down, you will not only save it from being forgotten, but it will be easier for you to develop it and connect it to each other. You can even find new ones through brainstorming.

4. Enter Your Life Event in Perspective

One of the most basic examples of this is keeping a journal, but it's not the only way to put things into perspective.

Writing fiction will also help you analyze things and see them from a different perspective. You will be able to draw parallels between these fictional events and situations, and things that are real in your life. This will help you see them in a more objective light.

Another effective way to do this is to start a blog. This will make you think long and hard before you write something because your work will be read by the audience.

5. Increase Your Verbal and Written Skills

When you write something, you become more careful in choosing the right words. This will make your writing more fluent, concise and elegant than your actual speech.

However, if you continue to do it long enough, many of the beautiful words are put together, phrases, and sentences will begin to find their way in your verbal communication skills. You will start using expanded vocabulary, which will leave a better impression on you than the person you are communicating with. Both your personal and professional life will benefit from this.

6. You Will Feel Like You Have Reached Something

Do you know that a sense of accomplishment is fun after building or fixing something, or winning a simple game?

You will also get that feeling as soon as you finish writing a short story, your daily blog post, or your latest journal entry. Those who are more ambitious can write novels, or books, which are even more satisfying and bring a greater sense of achievement. But, for now, stick to shorter forms and, who knows, you can even publish some of your work, or get money aside thanks to your writing skills.

7. This is Great Mental Exercise

Staying fit is not only valid for training your body regularly. You can also do the same for you. Writing activates a number of different cognitive processes, and frees your creativity.

All of this will keep your brain sharp and active, and can even act as a preventive measure against some mental illnesses, such as Alzheimer's or dementia.

As you can see, there are many ways in which you can benefit from writing regularly, even if you are not a professional writer. All of these tips will lead you to become a person who is more accomplished, fluent, and satisfied.

Good writing skills will really help you become a more complete person too. You will be able to become a better professional while improving your social life.

Start writing today and get the results.
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read rate share About Us: The Write for Benefits blog was built by Richard Reader, a blogger who lives in Bali with his beloved daughter and wife. For those of you who want to share the benefits of your experience through writing, he invites you to share it on the guest post page.
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